3ournal is genre or type of fragment invented by Liam Wilkinson. You can read about it
here It consists of 3 non-related "happenings" in a day - or part of the day - and is limited to max. 140 characters (Twitter-limit).You can write more than one a day and include "internal" happenings.
I should note that my datings are in Danish sequence: dd/mm/yy
Still not enough sleep at night. ”Night”mares in the daytime nap. Switching on the radio and turning it off again – endlessly.
Utterly dazed by lack of sleep – again. Counting movements that are repetitive. Fail to catch the name of a band on the radio.
At last, a day without rain. For the 100th time I conclude: instant espresso sucks. Do economists actually DO anything in the 3D world?
The light has changed. I zap through endlessly repeated election speaches. Note: get small change for the laundromat.
Trying to do what I planned, but a migraine sets in. A house pops up beneath a crow or ... Cross spiders are really big now.
A wish for numbness. At the super an awful smell of something really synthetic. More notes for a post-migraine state.
A night of chemical sleep, but sleep it was. In town I buy sandalwood incense and herbal teas. The usual schizo sings about the “Worldman”.
“Heaven knows I'm miserable now”. A young girl in next to nothing and a cell phone. Lotuses in the neighbour's fish pond.l
Overly joyous, giddy rather, as in spring. I answer the phone: Danish Giraffe Import. A wedding invite I'm rather doubtful about.
Decent tobacco at last. I giggle over a rerun of 'Allo 'Allo. Remember I forgot to eat yesterday evening - a step forward.
Interview by an Indian e-zine, my shoulders hurt like hell. The nation goes insane in this election campaign. I feel like a rerun.
Not the least self-absorbed: will this rash grow into a rhino? A late wasp dies in the windowsill. Some Finnish song on the radio.
Waking from a chess dream before the check-mate. I postpone the rinsing of pens and brushes. The Northern darkness already lurking.
#3ournal Bhajans, I don't understand a word, but my atoms do. This is a “finding-dead-insects” day. A man with a dog too jumpy to piss.
Learning my grandkids are unhappy I face a day of weariness. Will this rain ever … My forefinger turns white and cold again.
Raynaud syndrome; at least I got something. A white orchid suddenly drops 4 flowers. Amused by the image of sending penguins to USA.
Round and round the laundry goes. It's a guy's thing not to fold the sheets. I talk to stangers as if they were friends. #3ournal
Blue suede shoes at half price – I'll look like a bum, but eh? A patient on leave talks to a lamp post. I watch ”Bleach” 255 -260.
According to the news the world repeats itself every 30 minutes. Two effervescent tablets in water – sscchh! Anything goes.
Thinking of water again, how it never stays in one place or in one form. A package of ayurvedic meds. lovesliescrushing's wall of noise.
Staring at the sky again – it simply must become penetrable eventually. The abuse of Pärt's Alina. Starting a boot-time virus scan.
Running low on stepping stones. Can the void be in more than one place or in any at all? What's left of Katia makes the trees move.
Working on an excuse to drop a wedding I don't understand. Neighbour's cat waiting on my doorstep. Birdfeeder overgrown.
My eyes are too small for this light. Neighbor's cat tries to get in, but he'll piss all over I fear. In a daze from painkillers.