luke warm coffee -
a grumpy gnome tightens
my neck muscles
patiently waiting by my feet a laundry back
a day of painkillers I try to stack the round ones
effervescent tablets in the coffee milk in the water I start over
holes in my pants -
the storm's kid brother cries
all over my firewoood
Tycho Brahe's Day I ask the laundry back to stay put*
Chaplin as a Paganini-guy one two three fall-downs
carpet of time my clock insists on walking in unmatched shoes
headache ”the here-and-now thing is bs” I think and feel slug-like
Love Cats on the radio I used bleached cigaret paper then
the codein talks I have a best friend in the heating pad
tracking the tracks of sleep to where it's hiding dried up wells
back from the sea
the sirens turned out to be made
by Martel
no pointy shoes I give up becoming a rock-star
neroli I smell and listen**
why bother? there's a remix of nights in white satin
These were translated and put on my bilingual blog "2 tongues / 2 tunger"
a grumpy gnome tightens
my neck muscles
patiently waiting by my feet a laundry back
a day of painkillers I try to stack the round ones
effervescent tablets in the coffee milk in the water I start over
holes in my pants -
the storm's kid brother cries
all over my firewoood
Tycho Brahe's Day I ask the laundry back to stay put*
Chaplin as a Paganini-guy one two three fall-downs
carpet of time my clock insists on walking in unmatched shoes
headache ”the here-and-now thing is bs” I think and feel slug-like
Love Cats on the radio I used bleached cigaret paper then
the codein talks I have a best friend in the heating pad
tracking the tracks of sleep to where it's hiding dried up wells
back from the sea
the sirens turned out to be made
by Martel
no pointy shoes I give up becoming a rock-star
neroli I smell and listen**
why bother? there's a remix of nights in white satin
* A Tycho Brahe's Day is an unlucky day.
** neroli: orange blossom scent oil & a composition by brian
Some days are like that. Wishing you better days to come.